Sample Cold Hit
In his career as a con artist Quinn Richards has seen many clumsy handoffs, but this one wins a No Prize for Worst Execution.
First of all, the informer is late. Could be for a dozen harmless reasons. No big deal.
But second, the informer looks terrified. That’s not how a casual public drop is supposed to work.
The flow of excited fans entering the fifth floor of the sports arena cloaks Quinn from attention. Instead of wearing his usual all-black rock wear, he disguised himself in khaki cargo pants and a Seahawks jersey with a trucker cap. Dozens of video game fans, mostly teenage or college-age, head for their seats, or line up at the food kiosks, or dump questionable sums of cash at the merch booths. No one cares about him because he looks like someone’s dad. Perfect.
He leans on a tall table, sipping burnt coffee in a go cup from the nearby Starbucks kiosk, watching Cisco’s back thirty feet away.
A disgruntled employee wants to pass secret data to the federal government. Quinn wasn’t told what the data is; only that...
Download the first four chapters here!
I just always wanted
to write.
I wrote my first short story in first grade, and sold my first article to a magazine at age 14. I sold my first novel to a publisher at age 25, and just always wrote wrote wrote. I studied Advanced Commercial Fiction at the University of Washington under Pamela Goodfellow, who edited Stephen King and Michael Crichton. I studied script writing under Blake Snyder, before his untimely death in 2009.
Today, I write thrillers about framily -- the family you choose. When you're with them, anything seems possible. My fictional framily is Shadowfast, a heist crew and heavy metal band. You're invited to join the framily as they put the "band" in "band of thieves" -- and oops, maybe save the world.
I live in the Pacific Northwest with my wife. My daughter sings in Hollywood. I like my books with a side of explosions, and if a novel is about spouses holding secrets from one another, I don't consider that a thriller. Mission: Impossible is a thriller, Razorblade Tears is a thriller. Building IKEA furniture without saying any bad words is-- well, it's not a thriller, but it's intense!
I also like dad jokes, video games, playing guitar, and most movies by James Gunn. One reader described the Shadowfast Thrillogy as "Mission: Impossible with the humor and camaraderie of Guardians of the Galaxy," which I consider the highest possible compliment.
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Or lead me.
Or get out of the way. ;-)